EW tuning mutes for uprights
Introducing the reversible '2-in-1' white, non-staining tuning wedges—a significant upgrade from the rubber designs of a century ago. These innovative wedges perform more functions with fewer tools, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.
15$ - 20$ based on the quantity
Magnetized blow distance jig for uprights
Experience unmatched speed, practicality, and ergonomic design with our 42 mm tool, perfectly sized for Esmonde White actions and adjustable from 17/8 to 4mm.
55g weight
Expertly crafted for precise regulation of down-weight in Esmonde-White mechanisms.

Hammer voicing pliers
Designed by Fandrich, these pliers revolutionize voicing by quickly transforming compression into resilient tension without damaging the felt. They streamline 80% of the voicing process, standardize hammer shoulder texture, and reduce strain.

Allen key screwdriver
Essential for Esmonde-White actions, this tool precisely adjusts spring tensions for optimal performance.
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The Wasp: 3 in 1 modern voicing chopstick
This exclusive Darrell Fandrich tool, the only finished one he made before his passing, revolutionizes hammer fitting and single string voicing. It allows for final adjustments and concert-ready voicing directly from the piano, without the need to remove the action. It not only saves hours of meticulous labor but is also one of my favorite tools for its precision and efficiency

String bridge pin setter
"Introducing another Darrell Fandrich innovation: a tool that sets bridge pins on pianos more efficiently and effectively than ever before, without causing any damage. There simply isn't a better way to ensure correct placement of strings on bridge pins. I spent decades doing it incorrectly, just as I was taught. This double-sided tool works for both upright and grand piano bridges, allowing you to enhance sustain in just five minutes.

Born from historical research, this tool has been resurrected and refined by Darrell Fandrich. Its impact and innovation have been further validated by a dedicated research paper.

Life Saver pulley key kit
Introducing the hole-making tool with assorted inserts—essential for keyboards with numerous pulley keys. This kit ensures accuracy and speed in your repairs. Check out our demonstration video to see it in action!
125$ - Hole making tool
75$ - Assorted Inserts

Hammer trimming tool
The unique hammer trimming tool sizes the width of hammers to 0.1 mm accuracy. The trimming can be done even if the hammers are already hung. Using the Fandrich Rhodes program, based on David Stanwood's data, at note A:49, 1 mm of width is about 1 gram of weight. Both sides of the hammers can be trimmed including the bass section.
A "must have" tool for all action rebuilders.
185$ - Jig with the plans for the wood portion of the jig
425$ - Preassembled ready to use